Wed, Mar 19, 2025
TSU, PIA, NYC, PCG work to increase youth awareness of WPS dispute
1.1 100% accurate recording of created internal and received external communications;
1.2 100% timely and accurate release of recorded communications in consideration to the Confidentiality of Records under the Republic Act 9470 (NAP), RA 10173 Data Privacy Act, and Executive Order No. 2, s. 2016, The Freedom of Information Act;
1.3 100% systematic filing (of hard copies and semi-electronic) incorporating the counter disaster records management thereby ensuring the safe and healthy working conditions of its personnel;
1.4 100% constantly ensure the efficiency in the retrieval, conservation and disposition of recorded communications consistent with National Archives of the Philippines (NAP) General Disposition Schedule (GRDS) and TSU Records Disposition Schedule (RDS);
1.5 100% utilization, conservation and preservation of the University Archives;
1.6 100% timely and accurately submission of reportorial requirements to respective offices/agencies.
1.7 To obtain an average customer satisfaction ranking of at least 90% without an individual rating of less than 85%.