Wed, Mar 19, 2025
TSU, PIA, NYC, PCG work to increase youth awareness of WPS dispute
Filter by tag: limited face-to-face classes
Tarlac State University's Food Technology and Research Center (FTRC) at the Lucinda Campus opened its doors to BS Food Technology…
Tarlac State University key officials led by university president Dr. Arnold E. Velasco inspected the newly refurbished rooms of the…
Fourth-year BS Criminology students faced the first week of limited in-person classes with militaristic drills in preparation for their on-the-job…
Tarlac State University started its limited in-person classes today (September 6, 2022) for the first semester of academic year 2022-2023.…
Tarlac State University has started its limited face-to-face classes (LF2F) for the BS Nursing program of the College of Science…